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Daniel Aspuru

Performances Experimentais

This concert exhibits a balanced fusion between the charm of classical music and the electronic avant-garde. The music displays a resonant emotional atmosphere from the first chord to the last echo. With the piano in the lead role, the cello, violin, saxophone and electronic elements as harmonious companions, this concert takes the audience on a deep and unique sonic journey.

Aspuru is a visionary musician and inventor whose creativity transcends conventional boundaries. Daniel has fascinated Mexican audiences with his concert “Camino de Luces,” where he combines piano, cello, violin, saxophone and composite sounds with cutting-edge technologies to create music that touches the soul. His career includes performances at prestigious international festivals, 12 albums, soundtracks, music for theater and a solid presence in the Mexican music scene.

As a player of piano, saxophones, drums, bass clarinet and Indian tabla, he has toured the world with his performances, where he participates as a soloist or with two bands: El Gabinete and Nine Rain, a group formed by Steven Brown of Tuxedomoon.

Daniel is an inventor by nature, and among his work in this field, the Wind Transducer stands out, a pneumatic and electronic musical instrument unique in the world, which has been used in music recordings for films, albums and concerts.

This concert exhibits a balanced fusion between the charm of classical music and the electronic avant-garde. The music displays a resonant emotional atmosphere from the first chord to the last echo. With the piano in the lead role, the cello, violin, saxophone and electronic elements as harmonious companions, this concert takes the audience on a deep and unique sonic journey. Multi-instrumentalist Daniel Aspuru will guide attendees through a fascinating and contemplative sound universe. Through a careful combination of minimalist elements and subtle harmonies, each musical composition creates an atmosphere of serenity amid the bustle of the outside world.

It has 2 formats: Camino de luces (Music for piano, cello, violin, saxophone and electronics) and Piano Solo (Music for piano and electronics).

Daniel’s music is the result of deep introspection, a search for memories, stories and sensations of the present that evoke vibrant emotions. On this journey, he discovered recurring symbols that he decided to transform into music, symbols that he baptized as lights, as they illuminated his inner path. This is how the title of the show and the album Camino de Luces was born.

Duration: 1:15h. Formats: With strings (3 people on stage, 5 travel), and Piano Solo (1 person on stage, 3 travel). Primary audience: Both sexes, 35 to 45 years old. Secondary audience: Both sexes, 12 – 34 years and 46 years and older.


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