“Ça me touche” is a multidisciplinary performance created by Lucila Sol, an Argentine dancer and choreographer based in Paris. The work combines dance, Thai massages, and visual elements, using a transparent plastic bubble as its central feature. Inspired by the transatlantic journey from Argentina to France and the impact of the pandemic, “Ça me touche” explores the sense of touch and the role of skin in a world where direct human contact has acquired new meanings.
Through three scenes, the artist takes the audience on an emotional journey: immersion in a plastic bubble that creates a fascinating visual effect, an intimate encounter with a member of the audience through a Thai massage under dim lighting, and an improvised dance that culminates in a shared connection captured on video, offering a multidimensional experience. The piece, accompanied by videos and music from Félix Chirinos (Berlin) and Elio Jordan (France), is adaptable to different spaces and questions the ways we connect, blurring the boundaries between the public and the private, the personal and the shared.
Lucila Sol, born in Buenos Aires in 1986, has developed a notable career since an early age in ballet and contemporary dance. A graduate of the National University of the Arts in Buenos Aires, she has worked with numerous Argentine choreographers and the El Muererio Teatro company. In France, she presented “E-Sphère” at the Biennale de Cachan and collaborated with Aerial Dance Berlin. With “Ça me touche,” launched in 2023, Lucila explores the emotional depth of touch, showcased at various independent festivals in France.